The following code only works with php sapobroker extension 0.4 using PHP 5.


  • Debian dependencies
    • php5-dev
    • libsapo-broker2-dev (install it from sapo debian repository)
    • build-essential
  • Compiling
    • phpize
    • ./configure
    • make
    • make install

Creating a Debian Package

  • Debian dependencies
    • php5-dev
    • libsapo-broker2-dev (install it from sapo debian repository)
    • build-essential
    • dh-make-php
    • debhelper
  • Building package
    • ./build



// instantiate the broker handle

$broker = broker_init("", SB_PORT, SB_TCP, SB_PROTOBUF);

// adding another server 

broker_add_server($broker, "", SB_PORT, SB_TCP, SB_PROTOBUF);

/* ... do some work */

/* allways close your broker connection */

Sending Message to a Topic

// ... connect to broker ...

$msg = "Hello World!";
broker_publish($broker, "/test/foo", $msg);

Sending Message to a Queue


// ... connect to broker ...

$msg = "Hello World!";
broker_enqueue($broker, "/test/foo", $msg);

Subscribing a Queue

// ... connect to broker ...

$ret = broker_subscribe_queue($broker, "/test/foo", 0);

$timeout = 1000;

while (true) {

        This call will block until a timeout is reached,
        an error occurred or a message is received.
    $msg = broker_receive($broker, $timeout); 
    if($msg !== false){
        $msg_data = broker_msg_decode($msg);
        echo "Got message: " . print_r($msg_data, true) . "\n";
        /* ... do some work ... */
        broker_msg_ack($msg); // don't forget to acknowledge the message reception
    if( /*... exit condition ...*/ ){


Subscribing a topic

// ... connect to broker ...

$ret = broker_subscribe_topic($broker, "/test/foo");

$timeout = 1000;

while (true) {

      This call will block until a timeout is reached,
      an error occurred or a message is received.
    $msg = broker_receive($broker, $timeout); 
    if($msg !== false){
      $msg_data = broker_msg_decode($msg);
      echo "Got message: " . print_r($msg_data, true) . "\n";
    if( /*... exit condition ...*/){


Subscribing a Queue with Auto Acknowledge


// ... connect to broker ...

$ret = broker_subscribe_queue($broker, "/test/foo", 0);

$timeout = 1000;

while (true) {

        This call will block until a timeout is reached,
        an error occurred or a message is received.
    $msg = broker_receive($broker, $timeout, true); 
    if($msg !== false){
        echo "Got message: " . print_r($msg, true) . "\n";
    if( /*... exit condition ...*/){
