To install the python broker lib go to GitHub.
from Broker.Messages import Message, Subscribe, Acknowledge, Fault
from Broker.Transport import TCP, UDP
from Broker.Codecs import Codec #auto codec selection (thrift or protobuf if thrift isn't installed)
from Broker.Clients import Minimal
broker = Minimal(codec=Codec(), transport=TCP(host=server))
# .... connect to broker ....
destination = '/python/tests/'
destination_type = 'QUEUE' #Or TOPIC
payload_msg = 'Message'
message = Message(payload=payload_msg)
publish = Publish(destination=destination, destination_type=destination_type, message=message)
# .... connect to broker ....
destination = '/python/tests/'
destination_type = 'QUEUE'
# and subscribe to something
broker.send(Subscribe(destination=destination, destination_type=destination_type))
while True:
message = broker.receive() #blocks!!!
payload = message.message.payload
# ... do something with your payload ....
# acknowledge the message
broker.send(Acknowledge(, destination=message.subscription))
# .... connect to broker ....
destination = '/python/tests/'
destination_type = 'TOPIC'
# and subscribe to something
broker.send(Subscribe(destination=destination, destination_type=destination_type))
while True:
message = broker.receive() #blocks!!!
payload = message.message.payload
# ... do something with your payload ....
# .... connect to broker ....
destination = '/python/tests/'
while True:
broker.send(Poll(destination=destination, timeout=5000))
message = broker.receive() #blocks!!!
if isinstance(message, Fault) and message.fault_code == '2005':
print "timeout"
if isinstance(message, Fault)
print 'another fault'
payload = message.message.payload
# ... do something with your payload ....
# acknowledge the message
broker.send(Acknowledge(, destination=message.subscription))