"No frills" single page app framework

Why Pink?

While there are other single page app frameworks, Pink is unique because it combines the great Ink CSS and JavaScript framework with the fabulous Knockout data binding library, giving you a no frills, lightweight and modular approach for building awesome apps.

Just what you need

So you want to start building modern client side apps, but don't want to take the hard path... You've come to the right place.
We give you the code and libs to jumpstart your app without adding tons of code you don't need.

Where did this come from?

We were looking for a sane way to build complex JavaScript applications that allowed us to dynamically load both data and modules automatically, and we decided to extend Ink's excellent module mechanism to do just that through the magic of data binding.

Who built it?

Pink was made possible by the great people from SAPO's intranet team, where we use it to build a number of line of business apps.


  • Great "out of the box" look & feel, CSS & widgets provided by Ink
  • MVVM (Model, view, view model) architecture inspired by Knockout.js
  • Simple, straightforward conventions for application structure based on Ink modules
  • Dynamically loaded, Per-module templating with clean separation between behavior and presentation.
  • Customizable application bootstrap (via hooks and plugins)
  • Client-side navigation & routing (using routie.js)
  • Client-side signals/event bus for module decoupling (jssignals)
  • Various data-bind ready components: Autocomplete, Drag&Drop, Kanban, Grid, Tooltip, ModalWindow, ...
  • Powerful UI composition logic supporting custom made widgets